A Path of Mercy
"Mercy-drops 'round us are falling, but for the showers we plead."

My apologies that this poor blog has been so quiet the last month and a half. We have been distracted with the news announced in the previous post and its personal ramifications. God has certainly given us a great mercy and we are still in awe and disbelief as we walk carefully down this path.
The last weeks have been spent running for blood tests, talking to doctors, trying to eat well, resting, and reading, reading, reading. And waiting. Hoping we could possibly make it past the "danger stage."
You see, successful conception has not come easily. For us, it is truly a miracle. Every baby is a miracle, but we just have an extra amazement about it somehow! We are thrilled that we have made it this far; 14 weeks to date.
Will the Lord cast off forever? and will he be favorable no more? Is his mercy clean gone forever? doth his promise fail forevermore? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?
There are times in life when I have wondered if God's mercy has "run out" for me. I can look back and see His work and answers to prayers in the past, but the present seems so, well, dry. Heaven seems silent. I can't imagine those good things, those amazing answers to prayer, happening again. Meanwhile you watch others around you get blessed and you think, "hey, what about me, God?" More silence. "God! Time is wasting!"
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy.
One of the hard things for me is to trust God's heart. To believe that He really is merciful when life isn't. As I read through verses that mention God's mercy, I noticed Scripture often spoke of hoping in His mercy. And as another verse says, hope that is seen is. . . not hope. So these verses must be speaking of someone who is not seeing mercy. Can anyone relate?
Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
And here we have one of the most vibrant qualities of faith. Believing that God loves us and has precious thoughts toward us when things really seem yucky. Not only that, but believing he will eventually move on our behalf, if we wait on Him.
The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those who hope in his mercy.
Waiting is so hard though! I am not very good at it. Even after all these classrooms, it just doesn't get any easier.
But then suddenly, before you feel you really learned your lesson, God swoops down and changes your life. Usually in a way and at a time you didn't expect. It seems He likes surprises. There are a couple beautiful hymns that describe this process. . . I'll have to post them soon.
The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me; thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever
Yes, we can report that God is still alive and well and answering prayers. Thanks to each of you who have prayed for us. Keep it up!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
Maybe not with me at the moment, but following! It'll catch up! Really though, all the paths of the Lord are mercy, right?

P.S. (I had to laugh at that phrase, "clean gone." I didn't remember that one from Wisdom Searches.)
Very true Heather.
So glad you are doing well!
Your post really touched me, Hedy. How true - how very true, as I have learned, and will continue to learn, I suppose. I can relate to all the feelings you expressed. At times (especially this month!) I have felt the same way. But God is merciful - and He is good. That has been one of my favorite verses. As another version puts it; "ALL the paths of the Lord are mercy and steadfast love..."
Another wonderful post!
Heather, I really appreciated that post... Probably because I can so identify. Thanks for expressing your thoughts. That was a blessing for me to read.
Praying for you and your tiny miracle!
I've been wondering what's going on in your heart as you enjoy this pregnancy. It was so nice to read your wonderful post. I'll be praying for your baby and you as you anticipate the rest of the pregnancy.
Your thoughts were so something I could relate to. It seems for me especially when I'm in the baby way (and no, I'm not right now!), I find myself seeking the innermost corners of my heart-- and God's. It's a sobering time to carry a tiny life inside you. To look at the future with uncertainty but yet face it with joy. So many things can go wrong, so many unexpected things happen, so many plans get changed. It's funny how even though I've carried two healthy pregnancies, I still feared the unknown during each pregnancy. But, God was and is always faithful. I'll be praying for you Heather.
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