Our Biscuits are out of the oven!
Yesterday, May 19th, Biscuit had her puppies. Alan and I were on our way back from a quick trip to Michigan, taking two alpacas out for breeding. We knew we would be gone during part of Biscuit's window of puppy-time, so we asked good friend and animal-lover, Kristi, to boy and dog-sit for us.
We were hoping that we would be home before she went, but as we were on the home stretch, we got a call on the cell reporting the puppies were on the way!
There are eight new biscuits, all white and no whole wheat. Five are boys and three are girls. Mama Biscuit is happy and doing a wonderful job as a mother. My sister said she could not imagine our happy-go-lucky Samoyed being a responsible mother! But you should see her.

The puppies will be ready in July, if anyone wants a beautiful, hardy, affectionate, champion-bloodline Samoyed of their own.
Earlier this week, our alpacas got sheared. I just have to post a before and after picture so you all can appreciate how comical they look!

We only have three animals here now, and our black girl is going up to the UP of Michigan next weekend "to get married" as PJ says. Then we will only have two. But the puppies should keep us busy.
A side note: one of our cats disappeared a couple weeks ago, then returned. So maybe we will have kittens as well before long!