What is a Godly Woman Anyway? Part Three

OK, here it is. A list of qualities, which, according to the Word of God, describe the qualities of a "godly woman." No opinions, no agendas, no cultural molds, no additives or preservatives. Compare these with your current paradigm:
- She helps and supports her husband (Gen. 2:18)
- She is trustworthy (Prov. 31:11)
- She is a good worker (Prov. 31:13, 15, 18, 27)
- She shops wisely (Prov. 31:14)
- She manages finances and even real estate (Prov. 31:16)
- She stays in shape (Prov. 31:17)
- She makes an income (Prov. 31:18, 24)
- She is not afraid to work with her hands (Prov. 31:19)
- She is involved in ministry (Prov. 31:20)
- She plans ahead (Prov. 31:21)
- She makes her home and clothing beautiful (Prov. 31:22)
- She is highly respected (Prov. 31:25, 31)
- She causes her husband to be respected (Prov. 31:23)
- She is wise (Prov. 31:26, Tit. 2)
- She is kind (Prov. 31:26)
- She has good relationships with her husband and children (Prov. 31:28, Tit. 2:4)
- She fears the Lord (Prov. 31:30)
- She dresses appropriately (I Tim. 2:9-10, I Pet. 3:3)
- She avoids gossip (Tit. 2:3)
- She is temperate, discreet, self-possessed (Tit. 2:3, 5)
- She aspires to be a good teacher (Tit. 2:3)
- She is chaste (pure) (Tit. 2:5, I Pet. 3)
- She is a homemaker (Tit. 2:5, Prov. 31)
- She is good (Tit. 2:5)
- She submits to her husband (Tit. 2:5, I Pet. 3:1, 5-6)
- She is meek (humble) (I Pet. 3:4)
- She is quiet (peaceful) (I Pet. 3:4)
- She trusts God (I Pet.3:5-6)
One small note: many of these are describing a married woman, although it is worthwhile for a single to learn these qualities too. I do plan on writing about singles exclusively in a future post. :D