Sunday, March 18, 2007

What is a Godly Woman Anyway? Part Three

OK, here it is. A list of qualities, which, according to the Word of God, describe the qualities of a "godly woman." No opinions, no agendas, no cultural molds, no additives or preservatives. Compare these with your current paradigm:

  • She helps and supports her husband (Gen. 2:18)
  • She is trustworthy (Prov. 31:11)
  • She is a good worker (Prov. 31:13, 15, 18, 27)
  • She shops wisely (Prov. 31:14)
  • She manages finances and even real estate (Prov. 31:16)
  • She stays in shape (Prov. 31:17)
  • She makes an income (Prov. 31:18, 24)
  • She is not afraid to work with her hands (Prov. 31:19)
  • She is involved in ministry (Prov. 31:20)
  • She plans ahead (Prov. 31:21)
  • She makes her home and clothing beautiful (Prov. 31:22)
  • She is highly respected (Prov. 31:25, 31)
  • She causes her husband to be respected (Prov. 31:23)
  • She is wise (Prov. 31:26, Tit. 2)
  • She is kind (Prov. 31:26)
  • She has good relationships with her husband and children (Prov. 31:28, Tit. 2:4)
  • She fears the Lord (Prov. 31:30)
  • She dresses appropriately (I Tim. 2:9-10, I Pet. 3:3)
  • She avoids gossip (Tit. 2:3)
  • She is temperate, discreet, self-possessed (Tit. 2:3, 5)
  • She aspires to be a good teacher (Tit. 2:3)
  • She is chaste (pure) (Tit. 2:5, I Pet. 3)
  • She is a homemaker (Tit. 2:5, Prov. 31)
  • She is good (Tit. 2:5)
  • She submits to her husband (Tit. 2:5, I Pet. 3:1, 5-6)
  • She is meek (humble) (I Pet. 3:4)
  • She is quiet (peaceful) (I Pet. 3:4)
  • She trusts God (I Pet.3:5-6)

One small note: many of these are describing a married woman, although it is worthwhile for a single to learn these qualities too. I do plan on writing about singles exclusively in a future post. :D

Monday, March 05, 2007

What is a Godly Woman Anyway? Part Two

There is another popular brand out there - what you might call the Modern Spiritual Woman. This type is probably more prevalent than the old-fashioned kind described in the last post.

This woman places emphasis on spiritual activity. Things like: personal time with God, worship, teaching, and hearing from Him directly. Really good things.

What often happens is that she becomes the conscience of the family, and guides them, including her husband, into the higher spiritual planes of homeschooling, country life, a bigger family, and health food. She is heavy and grieved at her husband’s carnality, and pressures him about quitting golf or getting rid of the TV.

So, what does the Bible say about THIS?