Friday, October 27, 2006

Redeeming the Time

While cleaning the office, I found some notes from a time-management class given by Rick Grubbs in June of last year. Since I wanted to get the info recorded so I could throw out the paper, I decided to post them on my blog so you all could benefit.

Ephesians 5:14-17

-Redeem: "rescue from going to waste"

-Time: "the passing of life"

Why is it so important to redeem the time?

A. time is limited and it snowballs as you get older

B. death is certain

C. our use of time brings eternal consequences

D. time is not recoverable

E. time is our most valuable possesion

F. we must give an account

If we know what we know, why do we still do what we do?

Ways to redeem the time

A. learn to wake up and get up

B. get organized

C. identify and eliminate time-wasters

D. conquer procrastination

-Three things that last: God, His word, and people

The Real Key:

What does God want me to do right now?

On a lighter note, we have been able to feel the baby move this past week. What fun!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A New Car!

Yes, this is exciting news at our house. Alan's old, red rust-bucket died its final death a few months ago. Finding a replacement has not been easy! After many Tradin Posts, Internet searches and trips to the Twin Cites, we finally found The Car. A '94 Nissan Sentra, very clean and not too many miles. An automatic, so I can drive it too! Its great gas mileage has already given us sighs of relief. And it is great to be a two-car family again. This is the nicest beater we have ever owned!

Our second "new" car in under a year. How does it feel? Kind of. . . poor.