Early Days of Summer
I love this time of year. When the peonies, columbine, and wild roses are blooming. When I can hear motorboats and crickets again, eat strawberries, smell Coppertone, and stay out real late in the evening with bare feet to watch the fireflies twinkle. When the cornfields still look young and lush without their tassles. What do you like about it?
We've done a bit of traveling over the past month. (Which is why it's been so long since I updated.) We took three alpacas to various farms for breeding; one to eastern Michigan, one to Madison, and one to the UP of Michigan. While we were in the UP, we visited Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. It was fabulous! The park was carpeted in forget-me-nots and white violets. I have been to many spots on the western Great Lakes, but this was some of the prettiest shoreline I've seen. Here are a couple pics.
We also spent a week in early June visiting friends in SW Michigan. We remodeled a bathroom, welcomed new baby goats, saw a play, went out for ice cream, did a few other things I shouldn't admit to publicly, and jumped off a 15-ft platform on a rope swing. And the fellowship was great!
Alan just celebrated his 34th (!) birthday. He took off work and we went to the Cities where we did some birthday shopping, went out to dinner, and took in a minor-league baseball game (did you know they still play the organ?) before going to our Hotwire Hilton for the night. We stayed up real late and had a very rich and very expensive piece of cheesecake for our party.
Here is a great quote. It is actually by a friend of ours, who for the time being, shall remain anonymous. If they become a Great Christian, and have biographies written about them, then I shall divulge the name. I'm not sure if this will carry the punch without knowledge of the personality or context, but here goes.
When faced with the challenging question, "How does God speak to you?", the honest answer was, "He doesn't. That's why I read my Bible."
I love it. Oh for more "unspiritual" people like that.